October 5th, 2022 AD
Baseball With Dice, NeoCities, Liminal Spaces, and Candles
Hello Tennisorbians, this is my first tribune so I would like to start by saying hello and
welcome to this tiny sliver of cyberspace that I have carved out. The site is still obviously a work in progress, so forgive the mess.
As far as what to expect from the Tribune, I will try to post as frequently as possible on any notable
things going on in Tennisorb relating to Supera Konsilio, the art gallery or any new writings.
I hope you see this space as more than just a personal site or blog because I
want it to feel like a community, if there is anything you would like to see on the site,
let me know at tennisorb@hotmail.com.
In the last few days, I have had a growing interest in the game DEADBALL. Essentially it is a baseball game you play with dice. It can be played alone or with a friend and though I haven’t played it yet, I have printed all the rules out and made a binder. I feel like my Dad would really like it so there’s some wholesome bonding time for ya.
I am really into Neocities, as a child of the late 90s/early aughts, I caught the very end of the wave.
I remember me and my friend used to edit a site on freewebs (now defunct). I wonder if our site is out there somewhere
still but I cannot remember the name of the site, it was something long and dumb that only a couple of 6th graders
could have come up with. I will update you if I find anything.
As far as Neocities, I came by this by looking into Geocities and Web 1.0 after playing Hypnospace Outlaw.
The game takes obvious inspiration from Geocities and I just loved the overall aesthetic.
Much to my surprise, there is a bastion of OldWeb enthusiasts out there. It feels good, almost like community.
On the music front, progress is going well with the new album Music for Liminal Spaces [Working Title].
I don’t want to rush this one as burnout from the last 5 albums is the main reason for why I decided to take a break for the first half of the year.
I am really liking the songs so far. I am trying to capture a feeling that I can’t really put into words other than “what my memory sounds like.”
Memory, liminal spaces, cassette/vhs tapes, and fall weather all resonate at the same frequency for me. Not sure why.
It's probably because my memory of my childhood is so foggy. Any recall is like shining a light through mist.
Album should be out late this month or early November.
Candles. I really enjoy making them, not too difficult and they make great gifts. That’s all. I’m not interested in selling candles but if you are interested in one, I could use the practice. Let me know.